pineapple358 Master grower

Tuolumne Agricultural Group up by Yosemite. Its only been out since april, at the cowpalace, San Jose, Calif This was about three times what we got off each plant last year.
They call what they have done as being Infused CO2 into Nutrients, newly patented +1800ppm for outside and under glass. This stuff works!
If anyone wants the number I think its 209 962 0333 Northern Calif based Company. They said it took 8 years in design. All we know as growers as we want to pass this info onto our fellow growers, stuff all the times come out but nothing like this does what this stuff did. Happy growing.
After 10 painstaking years of research and development by myself and my dedicated team we are pleased to announce Increase.

Increase is a professional grade product. It's the world's first and only enriched nutrient. It's OMRI certified Organic and delivers results that we call: Seeing is Believing!

Increase has been patented, is newly released to the public, and is formulated to deliver unbelievable results. Feeding a plant in a more productive manner allows it to produce more abundantly. Doing so, we actually change the metabolism of the plant to better process food and speed up the rate of growth, allowing the plant to grow more productively. The results are fuller, larger, sweeter. (See Brix test results at the bottom of this page, and look at the dates!) Crops, everything from citrus, to flowers and vegetables, are all affected with abundance when Increase is used. Try it, and you will learn why Increase is being called the next generation for growing.

Happy Growing! ~Howard Wendel, founder of TAG


A 64 oz. bottle of foliar spray is $29.99, could be worth a try.