piss nutes?


ive been reading lots on about plants and nutrients and i read and heard about piss being nutes ??should i or not and how would use this nutrient and how much and wat nutrient are in the piss:shock::???:


Well-Known Member
Dude ... don't believe everything you hear on the 'net!!!! While I suppose urine has some nutrients to some degree, it is definitely NOT a good idea to use it as fertilizer!!!!
Just spend a little of your free time reading through some of the posts and journals here on RIU and you'll get a pretty good education as to what is legit and what is BS. Piss as a fert is pure BS!!!!!

Ebban Flow

Well-Known Member
Urine is actually a decent high N fert. It MUST be diluted with water and the only negative aspect of using it is that there is a high level of salt in urine. I personally have used it on my plants when I miscalculated my budget and had to go a few weeks without Nutes. After a week I started noticing a N deficiancy and decided to try this for myself. I took a multi vitamin and drank lots of water that day. The plants picked up soon after being fed with the diluted urine.
Also, if you look many commercial fertilizers have something called uria in them as a Nitrogen source. It is derived from urine.
I recently read an article about a group of Horticulter/ Botony professors feeding a large compost with thier own urine to save money and have been doing experiments with it with great succsess.
And for anyone out there that thinks it's gross, I ask you how is it any more gross than using cow, bird, or bat fecal matter(SHIT)?

There is a posting on this site about it somewhere but human urine has high nitrogen and many trace elements and secondary nutrients. Dilute it with water, something like at least a 10:1 ratio meaning 10 parts water 1 part urine. As I said though, be wary of salt build up if using this for an extended period of time.


Well-Known Member
has to bee one of the craziest things i've read here. In fact it is the craziest thing i have read here.

Why would you bother with this??? There are so many nutes on the market....and they are PISS FREE!!!! heheheh. Use store bought nutes and stop trying to find ways to justify using stupid ideas like piss as fertilizer... :-)


Active Member
Actually, A lot of nutes have animal feces and urin in them. its a common part of fertalizers used by many companies. (All natural ingredients)