Planning nutrient + additives consumption for Hydro grow?


Active Member
I'm helping a mate set up a hydro grow and I'm trying to figure out what nutrients to use and how much they would cost.

Basically we got 3 options as I see it:
1. Buy high grade/well known brands like Botanicare or General Hydroponics.
This is a problem in the part of the world where we reside and would have to be flown in, at high costs.
2. Use locally made hydro food, formula A and B (see this thread for precise content: ).
3. Make our own somehow.

While my mate wants to try option number three, I am checking out option number 1 and am curious with regards to whether I get it right when calculating how much I will need.

I've used stinkbud's formula for Botanicare (from his thread about making a pound every three weeks):

To run a 10 Gallon reservoir for 3 weeks using the vegetative formula above.
10 gallon = 40 Liter.
2000ppm in 40 Liter -> 40/1000000 = one millionth of 40 liter (.00004Ltr) multiplied by 2000ppm = .08Ltr or 8 centiliter.

Cal-Mag Plus 14.9% of 8 centiliter = 1.192 centiliter
Liquid Karma 21.27% of 8 centiliter = 1.702 centiliter
Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula 65.83% of 8 centiliter = 5.2664 centiliter

To run a 20 Gallon reservoir for 3 weeks using the flowering formula above.
20 gallon = 80 Liter.
2000ppm in 80 Liter -> 80/1000000 = one millionth of 80 liter (.00008Ltr) multiplied by 2000ppm = .16Ltr or 16 centiliter.

Cal-Mag Plus 12.65% of 16 centiliter = 2.02Cl
Sweet 15.06% of 16 centiliter = 2.41Cl
Liquid Karma 18.07% of 16 centiliter = 2.9Cl
Pure Blend Pro Bloom 54.22% of 16 centiliter = 8.68Cl

USAGE is calculated for 10 gallon veg and 20 gallon bloom reservoir, per fill up:
Cal-Mag Plus 3.2Cl
Liquid Karma 4.6Cl
Sweet 2.4Cl
Pure Bend Pro Vegetative Formula 5.3Cl
Pure Blend Pro Bloom 8.7Cl

Am I way off or is this reasonable? I'm obviously not calculating with any spillage, evaporation or whatever the plants eat, but then I can't do that properly without running the system.
Just trying to figure out how much I would need, if I went with Botanicare.

I used General Hydroponics online tool to figure out how much would be needed for an 11 week grow using the Flora series and a 20 gallon water reservoir.
According to that tool and without going into details, I would need 8.25Liter (2.18 Gallons) of various liquid products to do this, with a total of 11 water reservoir changes. I understand that they likely set it much too high and that I would probably not change water reservoir every week, but it gives me an idea (or is it way off)?

I'm looking for some high grade, easy to use product, as concentrated as possible, since shipping to my location is very expensive. I'm obviously also interested in making my own stuff, but as a fail safe, would like to do both...


Well-Known Member
If its his first grow he be better starting in soil ..hydro can be very unforgiven if thing start to go wrong..if he's not new to growing GH.nutes are good and easy to use .advanced nutrients are also very good and simple to use...i grow in soil so I can't say much sure the members here will be able to put ya on right road..scarecrow77