Planning on moving to michan


Hello people from MI, I currently live here in chicago, I just found out from my doctor that i have diabetes type 2. and was wundering if that qualifys for mj card their in MI, since it not that far from here.:-(


Well-Known Member
A doctors signature that says you're likely to receive palliative relief with it. Resident not under 21 and not a drug felon.


Cool thanks ill check on that, and yes I have familly in mi, and no felons of any type. and 30y-old thanks.
Ok... Ill. Laws are about to change soon, we all hope! With being short by just 4 votes last year, this year is looking better! First step contact your local aldermen and voice out your story. Next ask your Doc. what he feels is best for you, also check this link it might help you.