Plant 2 weeks old, Leaves very droopy and wrinkled.. starting to yellow


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

This is my second grow, Easyrider Autoflower in a PC Case. the plant is two weeks old growing on 20/4 cycle, with 1 6500 105W CFL. temps are around the 90 without the aircon working, and 75-80 with.
Leaves look very droopy and unhappy, and its wrinkling down and yellowing. I gave it half a dose of grow nutes (BioGrow) for the first time yesterday.. the problem started before i gave nutes (i think its been like that since the first set of leaves) so i guess its not nute burn.

any thoughts? this is really annoying the hell out of me.




Well-Known Member
no miracle grow dirt.. this is dirt from my local country.. its supposed to be decent.. it is the first time im using it though


Weed Modifier
What kind of dirt is that:?:I'm thinking it some Miracle Gro:clap:
Is this all you say in posts to help people? sheesh stop knocking MIRACLE GROW! :-P

Hey guys,

This is my second grow, Easyrider Autoflower in a PC Case. the plant is two weeks old growing on 20/4 cycle, with 1 6500 105W CFL. temps are around the 90 without the aircon working, and 75-80 with.
Leaves look very droopy and unhappy, and its wrinkling down and yellowing. I gave it half a dose of grow nutes (BioGrow) for the first time yesterday.. the problem started before i gave nutes (i think its been like that since the first set of leaves) so i guess its not nute burn.

any thoughts? this is really annoying the hell out of me.


View attachment 1666350View attachment 1666351View attachment 1666352
Looks like over-watering to you let her dry up in between watering, let soil drink up most of the moister before adding more, or it will harm roots, they need to breathe too in between watering...:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Looks like over-watering to you let her dry up in between watering, let soil drink up most of the moister before adding more, or it will harm roots, they need to breathe too in between watering...
what he said...


Well-Known Member
I dont think im overwatering actually, but ill give it a go.. catch you guys in 2-3 days for an update.. thanks! :D


Well-Known Member
Just a little every couple of days.. i'll try giving it less each time, and maybe start giving it every 3 days


Active Member
over watering is a newer grower is prone to and can happen faster than you think.. idk if ur a noob or not but to be on the safe side u may want to let the water in the soil go almost all the way dry and water little by little. this method helped me in the beginning stages until you can gauge by weight or time when its time to water again. u may even want to use soil high in perlite so it drains faster so frequent watering which newer grower seem to want to do with a seedling wont be as harmful. hope this helps. good luck


Well-Known Member
well, i havent grown this strain before. the growth has been droopy and wrinkly since the get go. besides that, the set of leaves are growing very tight and the stem is very short, but ive seen that before in my previous grow so i guess thats normal..


Well-Known Member
over watering is a newer grower is prone to and can happen faster than you think.. idk if ur a noob or not but to be on the safe side u may want to let the water in the soil go almost all the way dry and water little by little. this method helped me in the beginning stages until you can gauge by weight or time when its time to water again. u may even want to use soil high in perlite so it drains faster so frequent watering which newer grower seem to want to do with a seedling wont be as harmful. hope this helps. good luck
I've done one successful grow from start to finish, but I did grow a few more seedlings until i found out they are male. my soil has 25% perlite in it.. should I go for 50%? I guess it is possible i might have exaggerated with water this time.. this is my first grow with "store bought seeds" and i guess my cautiousness, worrying that she is thirsty, is whats dragging me down. I will not water it for the next 3 days and see what happens. it's not too late, is it? :/


Active Member
no i dont think thats too late. i think your doing a good job so far and we all fall victem to over loving our plants from time to time. pros and noobs alike. i see a good bit of perlite in your soil and thats a good thing. if u were to add more it would mean your soil drains faster and u would need to water more often but it could be overdone as well. before you do that i would just let the soil do its thing. if about 3-5 days go by and yr soil shows no drainage i would worry about yr roots but thats neither here nor there. cannabis is a very resilient plant so i would try to let her come around by herself before u begin to do anything. i ran into this problem after i transplanted a runt plant and saturated the soil. it was still a small pot and i didnt need to water for a week and shes doing fine. so with a little love and alot of patience they may turn out just fine. keep us posted freind.


im having problems posting a question my plants are about 2 weeks old from germination and the leaves look like der dying i have always heard ppl say u shud start feeding when it has 5 set of adult leaves i didn thinl if i fed them it wud do any harm i gave dem one feed of bio-gro and as far as i can remember it all went downhill from der is there any way back from this or have i wasted two weeks work i wud be so grateful if anyone cud help im completly on my own wit this wit no practical experiance i dont want to have 2 keep learnin from mistakes as like most of us weed lovers am on a tight budget thanks


Well-Known Member
To Lime73

I love Miracle Gro for my house plants:clap:I'd actually ask to see if it FFOF cause the shit mess me up the last few times I use it:cuss:Yes I'm up set~Never use it again:clap:Here's a pic of Dieffenbachia I'm doing a air layering on it:clap:Wish they make a dirt for Weed:lol:



Weed Modifier
To Lime73

I love Miracle Gro for my house plants:clap:I'd actually ask to see if it FFOF cause the shit mess me up the last few times I use it:cuss:Yes I'm up set~Never use it again:clap:Here's a pic of Dieffenbachia I'm doing a air layering on it:clap:Wish they make a dirt for Weed:lol:
Thanks for sharing your houseplant pic? very nice!
...some things work for some, and not so much for others:wall:...depends on many different factors when it comes to growing!
Guess I should show you one of mine? grown in the mg dirt ??? :weed:
