Well-Known Member
The greenest 420 ever * plant the seeds of freedom * 69% of canadians want marijuana legalized * 76% of canadians want marijuana law reform * 2 u.s. States have legalized recreational use with more poised to do the same * president obama has said he supports legalization but the harper government has.... * introduced mandatory minimum prison sentences for growing six plants * removed the right of patients to grow their own plants * forced patients to buy their medicine from lp's who are complete strangers * allowed lp's to price marijuana out of the reach of low income patients * introduced seed to sale tracking paid by the patient to optimize their tax take * told patients to destroy medicine and equipment...or risk jail canadians have voted overwhelmingly in poll after poll to at least have a national discussion on our marijuana laws and have been consistently ignored. The excuse since the 70's has always been the supposed fear of retaliation from the united states, but that 'obstacle' no longer exists. Why is stephen harper going in the opposite direction than the one canadians want and the rest of the world is acheiving? This april 20th, as part of your 420 celebrations, plant a marijuana seed or seedling to green up your community. This simple act, performed by thousands (millions?!) of canadians coast to coast will show the harper government exactly what we think of his draconian laws. And it'll be fun! Get creative! A few places i can think of that might look good with a cannabis plant..... * any municipal flower garden * sidewalk planter boxes * grassy highway medians * potted plants in malls and offices * police station lawn * legislature lawn and gardens * airports and bus stations * parliament hill i'm sure people can come up with a lot of creative places to plant. Take a photo or video and post it! Remember, if a government refuses to listen to the people and enacts laws contrary to the majority wishes that makes us a dictatorship and not a democracy! Plant the seeds of freedom and tell the harper government we demand change!