plant about 3'' tall


when do i know i can start my vegging process?

plant is about 3'' tall and appears healthy. should i wait till i get a couple more nobes? im excited to start my nutes thats why im asking about the vegging process :mrgreen:
when do i know i can start my vegging process?

plant is about 3'' tall and appears healthy. should i wait till i get a couple more nobes? im excited to start my nutes thats why im asking about the vegging process :mrgreen:
What kinda setup are you using? If you're using soil, does it already have nutes in it? If your plant has roots it can start taking in nutes, you just have to ease it into the process. Start with a dilluted mixture, maybe 1/4 strength and slowly work your way up.


What kinda setup are you using? If you're using soil, does it already have nutes in it? If your plant has roots it can start taking in nutes, you just have to ease it into the process. Start with a dilluted mixture, maybe 1/4 strength and slowly work your way up.
right now they are sitting in dixie cups. im using fox farm soil (i love the smell of soil). the stabiliy of my baby is pretty sturdy i checked it this morning. lights have been one 24 hrs so far. have not used any nutes yet thats why im excited to use them and ask about the vegging. got 2 20'' flourescent lights 2'' above the plant.

how can i check the roots process and journey without destroying the plant? my main concern is lifting it up and it falling apart haha
right now they are sitting in dixie cups. im using fox farm soil (i love the smell of soil). the stabiliy of my baby is pretty sturdy i checked it this morning. lights have been one 24 hrs so far. have not used any nutes yet thats why im excited to use them and ask about the vegging. got 2 20'' flourescent lights 2'' above the plant.

how can i check the roots process and journey without destroying the plant? my main concern is lifting it up and it falling apart haha
A dixie cup? I would suggest waiting till you transplant before you start up with the nutes. I know how exciting it is when the plant starts and you wanna just add everything and do everything right away. Thats when people (possibly someone I know, lol) go overboard and have overwatered, nute burned babies. Ease into it and only use nutes every other or every third watering. Keep a close eye on your plants for signs of nute burn (yellowing around the outside of the leaves) and flush when you notice it.
As far as transplanting and roots go. There are a few different opinions out there. Some say, "wait until it's rootbound, then transplant." In my experience, I would say that I transplant into a bigger container as soon as I can. I've started a few in the container they stayed in the entire time. Transplanting causes undo stress, so do it as few times as possible. If the plant is strong and healthy, moisten up the soil and carefully remove the plant, and all the soil, and place it in your new container. Moisten all the soil in its new home. When that starts to dry out and you water again, add just a small amount of nutes into the mix and look for a reaction over the next few days. If its good, stick with that mix for a week then bump it up just a bit.
Hope all this helps out. Good luck!


A dixie cup? I would suggest waiting till you transplant before you start up with the nutes. I know how exciting it is when the plant starts and you wanna just add everything and do everything right away. Thats when people (possibly someone I know, lol) go overboard and have overwatered, nute burned babies. Ease into it and only use nutes every other or every third watering. Keep a close eye on your plants for signs of nute burn (yellowing around the outside of the leaves) and flush when you notice it.
As far as transplanting and roots go. There are a few different opinions out there. Some say, "wait until it's rootbound, then transplant." In my experience, I would say that I transplant into a bigger container as soon as I can. I've started a few in the container they stayed in the entire time. Transplanting causes undo stress, so do it as few times as possible. If the plant is strong and healthy, moisten up the soil and carefully remove the plant, and all the soil, and place it in your new container. Moisten all the soil in its new home. When that starts to dry out and you water again, add just a small amount of nutes into the mix and look for a reaction over the next few days. If its good, stick with that mix for a week then bump it up just a bit.
Hope all this helps out. Good luck!

haha sounds like someone you know, could possibly be you haha. how exactly do i flush the nutes out? brand new soil? or get something to balance out the nutes and water to a stabalized chemical balance?? i figure i should leave in dixie for about 5 days and see its progress and then itll be time to transplant. am i on the right road here???


AND i just saw a stupid little bug flying around my baby!!! im going to kill it for trying to eat my sprout! i understand some use molasses and spidermite shizz once the plant is grown. but in its early stages i dont want to introduce it to all this weird stuff and stress it out. any way i can just put something in the soil for them to go away!
AND i just saw a stupid little bug flying around my baby!!! im going to kill it for trying to eat my sprout! i understand some use molasses and spidermite shizz once the plant is grown. but in its early stages i dont want to introduce it to all this weird stuff and stress it out. any way i can just put something in the soil for them to go away!
Yea, lol I had a few bad grows with no one to blame but myself. To flush you pour fresh water into your soil, about twice the amount of soil you have. Be careful with molasses, it is pretty acidic and if left unchecked you can end up with nute lockout. Not sure what kind of pests you have, but is a really good source for natural pest control. Snoop around in there and you will be able to identify and come up with a natural solution to your pest problem.


would pouring that much water into my medium flood it? i mean the water will still be stored in there and a lot will pour out of the bottom but in event, wouldnt it flood and drown the plant? checkin url now
would pouring that much water into my medium flood it? i mean the water will still be stored in there and a lot will pour out of the bottom but in event, wouldnt it flood and drown the plant? checkin url now
The point of flushing is to flood. It pushes out all of the extreme amounts of nutes you have added, or at least dilutes them. As long as you dont water again right away, you should be fine. Wait for the soil to dry before you water again. Overwatering comes from constantly keeping the soil in an oversaturated state(ie. watering constantly). Whenever you water, you want to wait until all the water is used up before you give it more. This forces the tap roots to grow deep to search for more water and in turn gives you a stronger plant.


The point of flushing is to flood. It pushes out all of the extreme amounts of nutes you have added, or at least dilutes them. As long as you dont water again right away, you should be fine. Wait for the soil to dry before you water again. Overwatering comes from constantly keeping the soil in an oversaturated state(ie. watering constantly). Whenever you water, you want to wait until all the water is used up before you give it more. This forces the tap roots to grow deep to search for more water and in turn gives you a stronger plant.

couldnt ask for a better understanding and answer than that. thanks dude ill keep updating when they come