Plant check up

Hey folks, my OG Kush strain has been in the ground for exactly 1 month now, and it looks healthy, however is growing a little on the slower side. It took 4 days for the first set of true leaves to come in, and than another week or so for the 2nd. there was a little bit of curling and slower growth.I think this can be attributed to underwatering. Since I started watering properly the plant has recouped and I am seeing new growth. To me though it does seem like it should be further along at 4 weeks. I am using 3 23 watt cfls, an 18 hour cycle and no fertilizer at this point. I am using Lamberts all organic potting mix. Most people are telling me it looks fine, I just wanted some input if possible so I don't make any unnecessary mistakes. I have 3 photos. The plant does appear to be yellow in these photos due to lighting but it is quite green. Except on some of the tips. So in your guys opinion, on a scale of 1-10 how does my OG Kush strain look at this point? and what can I do to ensure healthy growth from here on out? Thanks in advance for any advice!



Well-Known Member
It looks fine for a plant that emerged from the ground last week, but for being a month old it looks seriously stunted. I've had this happen before, but that was when I accidentally mixed up my seedling nute jug with my flowering nute jug. Poor little fella just sat there stunned for 2 weeks before it decided to resume growth.

On your scale I would easily rate this a soft 2 considering it's still standing up. These plants have a amazing ability to live through adversary, so just try to keep it happy and eventually it will begin growing normally. If it stalls out again I would just throw it away and start fresh. Under normal circumstances you would have a 8-12 inch tall plant putting on a shitton of new growth at this point.