Plant diagnosis needed........PLEASE!


I've been trying to read the previous posts to figure out the problem to no avail. So, can someone please take a look at this pic and tell me what's up with these plants? It seems that only the Sativas are doing this, the Idica strains are fine. The back story is: they were doing fine as sprouts. Then I transplanted them into the "Sure to grow" media.....that's when the problems started. So, I re-transplanted them into a coco-perlite mix and they just have not come back, as hoped. The setup now is as follows: Ebb and Grow system, with coco-perlite mix, "Sure to grow" inserts were cut off at the top, and added as reflectivors on top of planting mix. The nutrients are GH 3 part mix, at 900 ppm, pH is 5.85. Added CalMag Plus to the RO water a couple days ago. But, I'm still waiting for a miricle. Perhaps it will come, perhaps not. Any ideas out there? By the way: I'm using a couple of Lighthouse Hydro Blackstar 240's (hence the weird color). The lights are place about a foot above the seedlings, but I just moved them down to that height yesterday. The girls have looked like this for over a week now. Any help?



Well-Known Member
Here is what I would do...I would leave it in whatever you have it...put put a little dome over it. It just looks like it didn't like being moved around too much.


Well-Known Member
The little dome gives it a safe place...sometimes seedlings need a vacation and I find giving them a lightly misted humidity dome after a transplant makes it like a tiny vacation...