Plant emergency!!! Please help me !

Okay last night their was a huge rainstorm with harsh winds. Today after work i go and check on my plants, and one is bent over almost pulled out of the ground, and another is almost broken completely off. Only these two taller ones where damaged. But to top it all off the one that is almost snapped right off has pretty much turned male and the other looks like it is getting there. I tied the broken one up straight with a stick and the other I put upright with some more soil. I am growing outdoor and the last time i checked on my plants ( yesterday ) they where showing no signs of becoming male. Has this been caused by the stress to the plants or what? What can i do to reverse their changing gender?
Please help me this is an emergency!!


Well-Known Member
You have no control over whether they are male or female. A bent/partially broken stem will typically not kill your plant although it may slow down growing for awhile.


Well-Known Member
if there male then the storm did you a favor just get rid of them, unless your trying to get seeds, then you can stick the broken plant in water for a few days like a rose and the pollen with drop for you to collect it