Plant flowering too soon??

This is my first grow and i have been reading EVERYTHING i can find about growing. I even purchased Greg Greens "Cannabis Grow Bible" (killer book, i reccommed it to any grower novice or pro) and i've come to understand alot about the subject, and here lies my problem....My plant is about 4-5 weeks into veg. and has about 6-8 sets of fan leaves, while doing regular matainace on my setup today i noticed what seems to be white little pistols starting to form at the base of some of my nodes...does this indicate that its trying to enter the flowering stage? I really wanted it to be at least 8-9 weeks or a good foot and a half before switching to 12/12 to begin flowering. Should the pistols be clearly visible already or is it indicating im not giving it enough light during the day? Any help would be appreciated.


Well-Known Member
it could be an auto-flowering strain? if your giving a regular plant 18+ hours of light per day, it will not flower. What I think is that the Calyx are just getting bigger and more visible.


Well-Known Member
It's called a preflower, they and the plant starting to alternate its nodes are a sign the plant is mature and ready to flower. Before you get bummed out however I do have some good news for you-It's ready to flower,but that doesnt mean you have to flower it.
Honestly i've been keeping it on mostly a 18/6 to even 20+ hours of light a day (a techniqe specified in the bible) it cool to keep goin on like i am and flower when i originally intended or does it sound like and auto-flower strain that when she says its time...its time?


Well-Known Member
I'd keep the lights on 24/0 if you want faster veg growth. It's not an autoflower, its normal, all plants will display sex when they reach maturity, no matter the light cycle. I question the value of the bible your using if it doesnt even bother to explain simple things like preflowers(nothing against you at all, i'm more than happy to help, but thats something extremely basic he should of covered if he was writing a grow book).
Yeah its covered in the book but i just didnt know that it was called pre-flowering. It's a nearly 500 page book and i havent read it all the way through...more or less been "referring" to it when problems arise. Nothing beats experience, thats why i posted. Thanks for the help.


Well-Known Member
This does not mean that the plant is in 100% flowering mode sometimes you will get a couple of pistols shooting from a resin gland nothing to worry about has long has the light has been on 18/6 or 24 there is no need to worry this happens with some strains well most strains.If anything you should be well happy that you have a true gal on your team.keep her under the same lighting sced and she should be fine i not sure what lighting you are useing but at a guess i would say either flouresent of cfl's this will cause the plant to show pre flowers because of the intenceness of the light is weak.If it was me i would perhaps add a couple more cfl's or flouresents if thats what you are useing just to up the lighting a tad peace tyke..................................................................................................................


Well-Known Member
i would say either flouresent of cfl's this will cause the plant to show pre flowers because of the intenceness of the light is weak.

My plants under my hps show sex just fine too. I've never seen my cfl plants sex sooner than my hps plants. Not knocking you or anything, just wanted to add my experiences and voice to the conversation.