Plant Height Question

So I'm a novice at growing. Currently in my 3rd and 4th harvest.

With my first 2 harvests, my plants were taller than they should have been when I put them in flowering...about 70cm. They took forever to flower (15 weeks). Much longer than the seedbank's site said (7-9 weeks).

Now I've tuned my clone cycle right and the plants are going into flowering at 30cm. My question is, do smaller plants take less time to flower than longer ones?

I know there are other factors that extend the length of the grow, but as a rule of thumb what do you think?


Active Member
Should take about the same time I think. To keep em short keep the lights close to the plants and keep temps mid 70's. That will keep them from stretching so much. Always plan it will at least double in size once put into 12/12.


Well-Known Member
Only a few pure sativas need 15 weeks to finish. A general rule of thumb is that plants will double in height after
you go to 12/12. If you want plants to finish at 40 inches switch the lights when they are 20-22 inches.

Smaller plants don't finish quicker than large ones. That is decided by the genetics of that particular strain.
