Plant identification


This might be a reach but anyone have any idea what strain this might be? it's smelly as hell and smokes very well just curious.



Well-Known Member
It almost looks like a rosemary plant. It is difficult to impossible it ID a strain without some background info. If we could hypothetically help ID it we would need to know what kind of scent it has (pine, fruit, just skunk). Even then there are different pheno for diff strains... very difficult

As long as it is good smoke enjoy it, doesn't matter what you call it!


Weed Modifier
good luck ....i dont think anyone can identify strain from just a pic.
would need way more info about plant to narrow it down.


Well-Known Member
It's extremely hard to look at any plant and identify what strain it is, especially nowadays with the thousands of different hybrids. In your case, you don't even have any leaves that are good enough to tell if its a Indica or Sativa. Did you trim it while it was still growing?