Plant in flower but too tall.


New Member
My plants are in the flowering stage since 2 weeks, and they start to be too close to the light, it start to show signs of burn. The main stem was pruned in the veg phase so now it grows with two branches. My space is restricted, i grow the blueberry strain that should be maximum 1 meter, the plants could grow an other 10 inches. How i can contain them?, what is the best method to use?


New Member
If i do that training do you think it will need more time for my plant to complete the flowering stage? Is there a chance that the bud production will be more or less with the training method?

redeye jedi88

Active Member
school boy error when plants go into flowering they double maybe triple in size but you know this topping makes more tops/sites so in theory should yield more maybe next time you should train top more or veg less


Well-Known Member
If i do that training do you think it will need more time for my plant to complete the flowering stage? Is there a chance that the bud production will be more or less with the training method?
it won't set your plant back any and if you expose bud sites on the lower part of the branch to more light, they grow vertical from the bent over branch, you can increase your bud production. i use a method called super cropping, there are utube vids on it, does the same as lst and no strings attached


Well-Known Member
I would not advice to do any high stress training in flowering, if anything use a string to bend em down a bit (LST)

and next time, do a scrog :D



New Member
I tried the LST and the result is that it will take much more place in my small grow room and I will have to sacrifice about 30% or my plants. Do you think that a technic like a chicken fence could stop my plants to become taller while keeping more plants in my grow room? If i use a chicken fence will the bud's grow over somewhat? What are the pros and cons of this technic?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Seems that either way you do it you'll end up losing out. If mine get too high, i bend the stem at the chosen point till it breaks, that is to say falls over limp, not breaks. It then heals itself but the bent section will grow sideways. Basically a stressful form of LST.

You state that if you LST your plant then you will have to lose a some of the other plants due to the size of your grow room. If this is the case then i would personally either LST them and get rid of the others, or just let them go while accepting that their yields will be hit, or just chop the top off the plant that is too tall. Sure you'll hamper it's yield, but you can then save the other plants you'd have had to remove. It's all a learning process, you win some, you lose some. One of the key things with growing is that until you know exactly how your plants will behave, never overcrowd your grow room.

For your information though, even with auto's, if it states it will grow to a maximum of 1m tall, ignore this, it is bollocks. (unless by 1m you were refering to it being a maximum of 1m based on your grow room, in which case ignore this point, although it is true none the less)


Well-Known Member
Seems that either way you do it you'll end up losing out. If mine get too high, i bend the stem at the chosen point till it breaks, that is to say falls over limp, not breaks. It then heals itself but the bent section will grow sideways. Basically a stressful form of LST.
OP, if you want more info on this, look up "super cropping".


New Member
I already cut the tops in the veg phase and the stem had splitted in two. if i continue to cut the tops in the flowering phase what will be the impact on my plants?