Plant is yellow--ish...


This is week 12 (2 week flowering) , started with 2 30W CFL's and 1 45W CFL, later added another 30W CFL (white light) , and 2 weeks ago added 2 more 30W CFL's (worm light).
10 weeks - 18-6.
2 weeks 12-12.
The plant is 15" tall, and I'm giving it nute - Bio-grow,Bio-bloom,Top-max.
Temps are = 21-28 light time , 16-21 night time

Can someone tell me what is the problem ??
Pics attached.

Thank you !



im assuming your temps are celcius, and im pretty new also. but from what i read 28 is to hot and 16 is to cold. really not sure if that has anything to do with it though lol


Well-Known Member
Whenever I see signs of multiple deficiencies (N and Mg in this instance) I always wonder if the soil is toxic and locking out nutrients. Could that be? Test runoff water for pph and ph to find out. Adding more nutrients, if that is the case, will only make things worse. Just saying that's a possibility...