Plant problem plz help


I just had this problem and im afraid on the safety of my plant, i had an issue with the hydroponic machine all the nute got stuck into it [ prolly cuz i didnt wash it for awhile ], my problem right now is that the roots are filled with the nute here is a pic of it .
I managed to fix the hydro problem, but im still worried sick for my plant.

before :


Please i dont want it to die i feel if its my baby now!


Well-Known Member
thats the Nute on the root hopefully its not late yet!
No its not its pathogen attck on your rootsytem causing all your probs, they should always be white. Get 30%+ grade H2O2 put in the res every 4 days at 750:1 (30% grade) and this will solve the problem. Also a chiller set at 64 or below works to.


No its not its pathogen attck on your rootsytem causing all your probs, they should always be white. Get 30%+ grade H2O2 put in the res every 4 days at 750:1 (30% grade) and this will solve the problem. Also a chiller set at 64 or below works to.
i know ur helping here , but i couldnt understand what ur trying to explain , please explain in details about [ Get 30%+ grade H2O2 put in the res every 4 days at 750:1 (30% grade) and this will solve the problem. Also a chiller set at 64 or below works to.]
