Plant Problem


Well-Known Member
need help someone my plant is only a month old in veg its under a 400 watt mh temps are 78-80 lights on 72 lights of humidity% 56- 60 during lights on lights of humidity% 70 its in fox farm soil dont know whats wrong ph is 6.2-6.5 i havnt feed it any nutes yet could that be the problem please help



Well-Known Member
No 2 others and 2 are not don't know what the problem is I was thinking heat stress what u think


Well-Known Member
I got the technaflora recipe for success don't understand the chart I was gone do 1\3 BC boost,and grow and go full strength thrive alive b1 red,magical and sugar daddy or should I go half of everything

kevin murphy

New Member
dont go full strenght......quarter strenght and build it till plant gets used to feeding as it gets stronger and bigger it will want more ...hope it helps..


Well-Known Member
B.C Boost 15ml I'm going 7.5ml ,B.C Grow 7.5ml, I'm going 3.5ml ,Thrive Alive B-1 Red 2.5ml ,I'm going 1.5 ,Magical 2.5 , I'm going 1.5 ,and Sugar Daddy 10ml ,I'm going 5ml will this be ok dont understand this chart​


Well-Known Member
That's what the feeding chart says for veg can u find someone who useses these nutes technaflora recipe for success please for advice


Well-Known Member
Anyone using technaflora recipe for success kit can someone tell me how much to use in the veg stage and break the feeding chart down for me don't want to burn my plants there are a lot of parts