Plant Problem's


New Member
Hey everyone, this is my first indoor grow. I built my grow box and put in the required lights, all went well until bloom. I started them with 36 hours of darkness, then started them on 12/12, after the first day of 12/12 I had to disrupt there cycle to work inside the box and run a hose out the back so they don't feed on stagnant water. I started them on the recommended nutes and I didn't think to start them on the bloom nutes slowly and went with what was on the monster bloom fertilized container. One of the plants has been deformed from the start of it. It was completely dead in 2 days, one is all wilted over and the other 2 are doing well. I have flushed for the past 2 days, anyone have any suggestions on how to correct my dilemma @ this point. I'm currently using 0-50-30, should I make a lighter feeding schedule and start them back into the nutes. Also the first 2 day my humidity was very high around 65-75%, I've since fixed that problem as well, and I'm running around 25-40 now. Also if I haven't screwed my plants up, how long should it take to start to see blooming. I'm running a 600 watt electrilux(I think that might be a vacuum cleaner, but -those of you who have heard of it probably know the exact name) bloom bulb, with a reflective shield. I have conduit running and out of the light to keep the bulb cool, I'm maintaining around 66-78 degree's. how high should my light be from my plant's and do I need to start them on the nutes slowly and work them up, and how often should I be feeding them each week. Any help would be great, sorry for the long post.


Well-Known Member
it must be wall of text night, does no one use paragraphs anymore? from scaning ur text and picking up on key words my advice is to switch to a more balanced line of nutes, having ridiculously high P-K with no N is not what cannabis likes it likes a blend where the numbers are quite a bit closer. It will take about 2 weeks of 12/12 before u really start seeing flowers. don't interrupt ur plants during the dark cycle as that can cause hermes


Well-Known Member
A two day "flush" followed with a jolt of 0-50-30 is sure to get their attention. So you killed one outright, another is wilted, and two left to go. What is the dilemma?