Plant showing alot of signs of DEATH need help


Active Member
Ok I'm going to try to describe the living situation best i can, without ph tester or a room thermo. I have 2 plants one of which looks just fine, but very stunted as the other. I know im doing something ultimately wrong or they would not be this small at 4 weeks. I'm using 15 5 5 on nutes atm. I thought my problem was root rot or something but i have changed my overwatering ways and still having the same problem. The plant with the problem has been looking like this for about 4-5 days and im getting concerned. It started off with folding upward of the leaves and some even flipped completely over and still are. But the folding stopped. I'm using a soil with .10 .08 .06, Im pretty sure that is one of my problems is shitty soil but i am giving it the nutes it is missing im sure. 400 watt MH sitting about 20 inches from top, fan blowing hot air away and keep the plants enveronment very cool. I have no thermometer but im sure its a livable environment by putting my hand over them. Now the plant with the problem is starting to show brown spots. Is it a PLAGE AHH. My other plant is doing great.... not great for 4 weeks of great but health wise i think it is doing fine... I think i might have root stunting or root rot idk. Very confused ive tried a number of things to fix the problem but its still happening. What is wierd to me is that the healther plant of the two has the same effing living environment. idk. NEWB GROWER IS CONFUSED! If anyone could help me out or if you need any other info to help me just post. Thank you for your time. Here are some pics.


Active Member
From what I've read, they're probably suffering from some nute burn, but I'm still new to this so don't take my word as the last word.


Well-Known Member

to be honest, i've never had root rot with cannabis, but I do know that simply watering less will not necessarily help you. Sometimes it will take a long time to repair, other times plant death is simply unavoidable. So basically I don't know the exact symptoms to expect, but plant death is certainly one of them.

Considering that you're treating them exactly the same, it's hard to imagine that you are having nutrient problems with only one. I assume they're the same type of seed? That said, the discoloration looks like a nutrient issue. Does your fertilizer have all the micros like magnesium?

I would just continue doing what makes the non-dead-looking plant happy and hope that the dead-looking guy recovers.


Active Member
Ya i thought that but i have flushed the water and made sure there was good drainage and lowered the nutrient concentration idk i might be giving it too much Nitrogen but what about the flipped leaves and brown spots? I think that the roots are getting enough oxygen possibly.... anyone else got any ideas?


Active Member
.05 magnesium.... i think i need a diff nutrient solution idk, i mean whatever is making them stunt there growth so much might be the problem with this plant right now meaning it could happen to the other one soon idk...


Well-Known Member
just chill with the water. google root rot cannabis and you'll see that's probably pythium ...


Well-Known Member
stunted growth is a sign of overwatering too. with pots that big and plants that small you shouldn't have to water too often.

something to remember about root rot is that the rotten roots are gone forever, and it will have to regrow new ones.


Active Member
if what i read is correct it thinks i should remove leaves that are too far damaged. but should i wait it out a little bit longer and just not water for a bit to see if it fixes itself? those leaves dont look too far gone but it might spread?


Active Member
thanks ceestyle your helping alot, i think overwatering has been one of my main problems. i was watering daily keeping top soil moist... thats not smart i dont think.... ill start widening the gap between feeding


Well-Known Member
yeah you can get one of those green three way meters for like $10 and force yourself to restrain from overloving them.
3 in1 Moisture / PH Content / Light Meter Soil Plant: 001490-014

go to your garden or hydro store. i paid 9.95. last time i bought from virtual village it took three weeks from china, so wouldn't recommend that.

basically if the leaf is 50% yellow i would get rid of it; it will probably not come back. it depends on how much is damaged. looking at your pic again, I would probably leave everything there and just wait for it to perk back up.


Active Member
so i ended up pruning off the leaves that were looking bad and im hoping the new growth will pick up ( i hope this wasnt a bad idea ) also i noticed that the main stock in between the 2 really small leaves at the bottom all the way to the top the stock was a dark purplish color... aka sounds like root rot for sure over watering i think i got this problem solved but ill keep you up to date.


Active Member
ya man i cant wait to get some income up in my life because i know my nutes arent the best and i know my soil is shit compared to what i could have like so many factors, my main concern is the stunting of these plants to the extreme... because i see people around the site that have 3 week old plants that are like 20x the size... lol. anyway i really hope that overwatering was the problem... because daily watering as much as i was does seem stupid to me right now i should be watering every couple of days when the soil gets a bit dryer i havent let the soil dry up much at all in soo long.