Plant spot problems


Tried looking in the stickys but for some reason my computer wont load the pics?
Whats wrong i suspect PH it was 7.63 its now 6.7 whats the correct PH for big bud strains? Thanks in advance



Didn't see any mites or eggs will have a better look tomorrow but.
lowered the PH to 6.25 hopefully this will help


Active Member
Looks like mites to me. Grab a microscope and look under the leaf with all those dots. Please do tell us the results. I didn't know PH off could leave marks like that...


I have these same type of spots and nothing seems to work. I thought it was a K deficiency but that wasn't the problem. I flushed my soil last night thinking it might be a build up of salt in the soil so we'll see how that works out.

PLEASE! some one with some experience shed some insight


Active Member
I'd second the spider mite opinion--my plants first started showing those signs and I didn't hop on it early enough and now I have an infestation. Get a scope and check it out, radioshack for $15 that is 60-100x, and if you have em', get on the bastards early.

Could be beginning stages of nutrient lock out, maybe even calcium deficiency. Your leaves in the upper areas are twisting. Keep a close eye on, every 6 hours at least.

I doubt mites, you can see them moving around.

Here is a list of problems, it is very early to tell, post newer pics.

View attachment 1393290Pic 1 spider mite eggs on the underside of leaves
View attachment 1393289Pic 2 ph is to high, locks out nutrients, twists leaves
View attachment 1393291Pic 3 calcium deficiency, easy to fix garden lime
View attachment 1393292Pic 4 thrip infestation, ya never know


Active Member
View attachment 1393290Pic 1 spider mite eggs on the underside of leaves
And if there was a picture of the face side of the leaf of a mite infestation, I would put the EXACT picture that the OP has!

In any case if you have them, get on it now. I have only used Azamax on both thrips and mites on separate occasions. It works extremely well! I dipped the entire plant in diluted Aza 3 times every 3 days and all bugs be gone. You can also feed the plants Aza if you can't dip. I have used Neem oil also, but it's a bit of a mess. Aza doesn't come cheap though.