plant taking long time flowering


Active Member
been in flower 3 weeks twelve hours a day leaves are fine about five feet tall but not seeing normal flowering still growing up but a handfull of white hairs coming not in clumps long big white hairs any ideas why shes taking so long going to run out of room soon:neutral:

Manny Ramirez

Well-Known Member
2 questions..
What type of light are you using.
Are you absolutely positively sure your light timer is set AND working properly giving 12-12.


Well-Known Member
are you sure that there is absolutely no light leaking when lights are off? with 600 watter the results must appear quickly man.


Active Member
yes blanket pinned inside and blanket out side covering other plants doing normal looks healthy but so big bulb been in about a year but still very bright got no feed left apart from tomato feed whitch has worked allright on the other plants just dont know about this one any ideas on any ofer feed i can use which is easy to get

South Texas

Well-Known Member
Mine started the white hairs, but not too impressive..., then I got & used some Earthjuice-Bloom. A new growth of white hairs exploded, 100's of Buds filling out more & bigger each day. Cystals are now forming on the leaves near the buds, but I still need to wait until I see the milky tear-drops. At the rate it's going, the bud weight will about doubled. It's worth the weight/wait.