Plant transplant questions.


Active Member

We are running a DWC setup, and we put the clones we got in the rockwool into small net pots, but now we want to transplant the plant into larger ones for 3 gallon bucket size. What I'm worried about is damaging the roots while trying to remove it. Is it better just to put the small net pot into the larger net pot? That for some reason't doesn't seem right to me, but I'm up for any advice you can give me so I don't damage anything.

Thank you


Active Member
Merry Christmas to you too

And thank you for the advice, This is my first attempt at growing and i'm doing a trial run with 2 plants. Once i'm done I plan on running 8 plants with DWC. No matter how many days of research I do I always find myself with more questions. :) You guys take care.