Plant was doing amazing yesterday - now this

So Sunday I did a little pruning to open up flower sites. Yesterday (Monday) morning I do my normal water routine. I come home from work and check out my plant and she's fine. I woke up this morning to see this:

When I got home I noticed brown coloring appearing on the leaves as well. Any idea on what is causing this and what can I do to save the plant before it's ruined? I am so proud of this plant, it is CFL grown and is just 6 weeks total (2 into flowering) and look at the potential this girl has.
It must be the over watering then. I've been watering it 2x a week using the Fox Farms Trio and the 3 powders the offer about 1/2 a gallon a watering. Plant's been doing great up until now. Is the best thing to do just to wait it out and let her roots dry some?

Lo Budget

Well-Known Member
"...Help me, I'm drowning..." Looks over watered to me. If you remove healthy vegetation your plant won't be able to move/use the same amount of water (or food). Just let her dry out a bit and she'll recover.


Well-Known Member
Take a peak at your roots and see if they look brown and slimy. I'm guessing root rot. If the roots are white and healthy I am wrong.


Active Member
ohh your doing hydroponics? i dont know too much but the plant signs im seeing looking like too much water or not enough fo sure!