Plant wont change to flowering - HELP!


Active Member
Can anybody help here, I have 2 weeks ago changed my plants to 12 / 12 and swapped to bloom nutrient but they have just kept growing and are showing no sign of budding. They are female clones of a known quality, Should I 'Shock' them by switching the light off for a few days?


Well-Known Member
Give them time .. The will show .. You might have shocked them and they need time to recover.. The waiting is the hardest part .. chill out and give them time .. in other words ..""Hurry Up and Wait ""


Active Member
Be sure your room is as dark as possible during the dark period. It's not dark enough until you can't see your hand in front of your own face. Seriously. Pitch black, no interruptions.


Well-Known Member
Hey mate .. I turned my lights to 12/12 5 days ago .. and still nothin` .. I know how you fell .. ;) Not simple to wait .. Be strong :)

Little Tommy

Well-Known Member
I have had to wait as long as 20 days for flowering to start. The strain I am growing is a little shy and was told it usually takes 2-3 weeks to start to show flowers. Patience - it will happen soon enough.


Well-Known Member
everyone else is right. it takes time. Im only 11 days into flowering and still no buds, but I expect I wont see anything appear for a week or two more. I hope sooner though of course :D