Planted cannabis seeds, harvested hemp


Yep, my outdoor grow got cross pollinated with hemp. Another case of rogue pollen. I took my dried and cured bud for THC potency testing and test results are 1% THC, 9% CBD. I cried.
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The plants from this year's grow are from seeds taken from last year's grow, which I got about 40 seeds. They were clones from a mama Grapefruit Barb plant. They did great but I got about 40 seeds after breaking the flower down. So this year I planted 7 of them, 4 were boys and three are girls so I kept the girls and dumped the boys. I took good care of the three girls; they grew ok outside in pots. Fed them nutes, only gave them rain water tended to them EVERY DAY and now I'm thinking the rogue pollen that hit the crop last year was actually hemp. Two of the three plants from this year confirmed hemp; third plant is almost ready to be harvested and most likely is hemp also. Good news is 9% CBD so I can make some good medicine from this years grow I hope. I guess this is a case of "when life gives you lemons; make lemonade"!


Well-Known Member
The plants from this year's grow are from seeds taken from last year's grow, which I got about 40 seeds. They were clones from a mama Grapefruit Barb plant. They did great but I got about 40 seeds after breaking the flower down. So this year I planted 7 of them, 4 were boys and three are girls so I kept the girls and dumped the boys. I took good care of the three girls; they grew ok outside in pots. Fed them nutes, only gave them rain water tended to them EVERY DAY and now I'm thinking the rogue pollen that hit the crop last year was actually hemp. Two of the three plants from this year confirmed hemp; third plant is almost ready to be harvested and most likely is hemp also. Good news is 9% CBD so I can make some good medicine from this years grow I hope. I guess this is a case of "when life gives you lemons; make lemonade"!
Well that definitely could happen. It wasn't clear that the plants were from seeds you got out of last years crop. Sounds like you'll make the best of it with the CBD content.


Well-Known Member
Them hemp f1 crosses will have different percentages of hemp genetics.. some can have almost none.. its a crap shoot on what you'll get.. i myself would grow out a few..

decrepit digits

Well-Known Member
I never use outdoor seeds, learned that lesson way way back in time. Oh and the seeds were from the same variety still a no go, almost lost the strain compleatly in just one generation. It seems the no THC hemp gene is dominant once introduced it is almost impossible to get rid of. Most of us do not live in the right places to be able to use or make good outdoor seeds.


That's odd. One crossing shouldn't remove all the thc in one fell swoop. You should have a CBD hybrid, not a full blown hemp plant.

Where did the genetics from the original plants go?
That's what I'm wondering too. The hemp tested 2% CBG as did their mother Grapefruit Barb so that genetic feature passed along. I'm told CBG is very good in cannabis. The hemp is coming in at 1.6% THC but Grapefruit Barb tested at 13% THC.

conor c

Well-Known Member
That's odd. One crossing shouldn't remove all the thc in one fell swoop. You should have a CBD hybrid, not a full blown hemp plant.

Where did the genetics from the original plants go?
Agreed i wouldnt expect that from a first gen cross with hemp neither