Planted Clones Yellowing

Hi, I recently took 3 small cutting sout of my humidity dome. They had shown plenty of roots after 2 weeks so i transplanted them into small pots with Fox Farm Ocean forrest dirt.

took them from under the flourescents and placed under my 400w HPS veg setup. Now after 3 days the youngin's leaves are turning all yellow (even newest growth), some even getting crispy on the tips.
Seems like the light is the likely culprit. So I moved them back under a flourescent alongside the humidity dome.
Is the 400w just too strong for them at this point?

Too close (about 12-14 inches away)?

They seem plenty wet and looked great before meeting the 400w.

Do the plants need a second chance to 'root' from the rapid rooters into the dirt before they can be put under a stronger light? By the way, they are 2-3 inches tall under a 18/6 light cycle.
This is my first attempt at cloning.
thanks any tips appreciated