Planted seed to deep?


This is my first time growing ever, I'm doing an outdoor grow. I put a seed in some fresh soil a little less than a middle finger deep. Is that to deep? Is the seed going to die now? It's been In the ground for 3 days I've watered the soil everyday. I'm just worried the seed will die.


Well-Known Member
I sow mine at a half-inch. If they haven't popped by the fifth day then I'll carefully pull back just enough soil to expose the seed. What usually happens is the root is growing downward while the seed head (not sure of the correct name, but you get the idea) gets stuck under a heavy clump of soil. You want to avoid messing with the root and just make sure the seed is able to lift out of the soil on it's own.

Also, when germinating, I find that its best to use a potting soil specifically formulated for seed germination, like Fox Farm Light Warrior or Miracle Gro Seed Starting Mix. You can even use pure coir. However, regular potting soils are to strong and can burn the seedling.

And sometimes, even seeds that come from the best of stock, aren't viable. Its not always your fault or bad breeding practices. Just bad luck.


Well-Known Member
Carefully pull back some of the soil. I did this to check on progress and saw them just before they sprouted.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
i never plant more than 1/8 of an inch below the soil line. that's the deepest i would plant. GL


Well-Known Member
I'd say you planted a little too deep. Also did you germinate first or just pop the seed into dirt? If you didn't germinate first expect a couple extra days before it breaks dirt. Pull back a little bit of the top soil as previously suggested.


Well-Known Member
once, a seed which i thought was a dud fell into some soil that i mixed. it popped up under the bigger plant a month later

and when i pulled it out, the taproot was over a foot long. it had stretched from the bottom of a 3 gallon pot all the way to the surface

hope that answers your question


Well-Known Member
i usually plant about a quarter inch from the surface. but this usually calls for burying the stem a quarter inch later

it can save a day or two, and some hand wringing