Plants are coverd


Active Member
But the rain is not here yet now it won't be here until later tofay. The plastic is that white/clear stuff. Can I water them or will the condensation get up under the plastic. Are they okay to leave covered even if it isn't raining yet. My forcast goes as this.
Friday rain up to one inch and rain in the evening
Saturday Rain all day and night
Sunday Rain again
Monday Rain
Tuesday scattered showers
Wednesday Scattered showers
Thuursday sunny
Friday scattered showers again~!!

Can I leave them covered that long??? Or should I uncover them and hope for the best. Like I said my buds are just starting to fill in I do not see any resin yet. I think I have a strain that requires many more weeks of flowering....OR it is because it rained the entire month of June and July here in Maine. SHOULD I UNCOVER THEM??? PLEASE HELP!

nepali grizzly

Well-Known Member
thats enough rain to cause the dreadful bud rot. My advice is to keep them covered and if possible get a fan in there until your weather clears up.