Plants dropping ?


Well-Known Member
My plants have been dropping ..
I know the difference from overwatering or under watering drooping ..

although they do droop after watering they sorta perk back up half way ..

They seem to be taking up all the water within 2 days .. so I don’t think I’m overwatering

I think it might be under watering but I’m not getting wilted leaves.. so I’m also thinking it might be due to compacted soil ..

Plants roots might be getting constricted by the soil, compacted .. and not much oxygen/airflow is getting in

I might’ve tamped down to hard at transplant C7BB05BC-9A52-4803-B55A-11B3552AE7D8.jpeg739562C7-6B97-44A1-AD85-B02AF750340C.jpeg5BA254DD-B56D-45C5-B325-0F1DC4814079.jpeg
Buds are just starting to show aswell ..

should I just replant ? Make sure not to tamp down to much ..

or might bottom water them let them soak up the water slowly and what it can hold instead of top watering till slight run off / few drops at the most or bottoms of pot feels damp
Ahh just read tht compaction can cause droopin , exactly my problem !!

soil mix is:
happy frog 3 parts/coco tupur 2 parts/10%ewc ..

Best mix so far I’ve used plenty of perlite/drainage, absorbs water good so I’m 100% sure it’s COMPACTION!