plants falling over


plants keep falling over they are 2wks old have nice healthy :eyesmoke:leaves but the stems arent strong enough to hold the plant up what should i do????:cuss:


Active Member
for the next grow introduce them to wind sooner so the stems get thicker when they are smaller... for now..

you can really only stake them up, but it will have to be staked for the rest of the grow... they sell large wooden stickes in like a campfire package fro marshmellows around me.. i use those when they are smaller... then switch over the bamboo sticks..

you can get the bamboo sticks at bassicly any garden center or something close to it... just get the stick and push it into the soil sem-close to the plant (not right next to it you dont want to ruin the tap root or main bulk of the root system... then take twist ties (like from garbage bags) and twist tie the plant to the stick.. i usually do it half a foot from the ground.. and again like 4 inches below the top growth of the plant.

good luck