Plants problems


Active Member
hi guys,

i am growing indoor 4 plants. 3 of them under 400w Metal Halide and 1 under 2X48w cfl with a good ventilation. the plants are 4 weeks old. yesterday i noticed that i have a plant curling up. and another one laying down, it wasn't like that, all the time their leafs are open to the light, i dunno what happened. and the one under cfl is very normal.

yesterday i started to give them 25-10-17 fertilizer, and spray on the plants with fertilized water from this fertilizer 25-10-17. a friend of mine told me this, u think it is a problem of fertilizer???

the light MH is far from the plants about 27 cm. but this plant all the time was like that and the plants were great. but the plant which laying down but it looks very green and good is directly under the 400w and the second one which is curling up is next to the other plant.

i am really confused what to do..

N.B: Only the top leafs are doing this problem mainly..



Well-Known Member

Lebmen do you measure your PH after adding all of your fertilizer to your water?

- I would advise spraying to wash the nutes off the leaves - you probably have a moisture stress problem from improper PH (nutrient lock out) or the start of fertilizer burn from foiler feeding (spraying fertilizer on leaves).

- Wash all of the fertilizer off the leaves right away, if you don't measure your PH and have no PH pen get distilled water from the eye care section of a pharmacy and flush each pot with 1 to 2 times water to rinse excess nutes from the root ball and to bring the PH close to 6.8 (distilled water is 7.0 ph and we want 6.3 - 6.8 for soil)

- what kind of soil do you have? Peat? Is there any perlite or vermiculite?


"the one under cfl is very normal."

- Move your light further from your plants, get rid of the CFL. A 400 watt MH is good for a hundred plants that size in veg and you could have heat stress. 18" to 24" between the 400W and the tops of the plants, they'll get lots of light.

- What are your room temps? Ventilation? Do you have a fan pushing air between the canopy and the light? Do you have a fan drawing hot air from your grow room?



Well-Known Member
I recon its one of 2 things... Are you over watering ? when leaves curl like that its because of over watering, it could also be high temps.. What are your temps ? Young plants need watered max twice a week. How often are you watering ?


Active Member
thank you guys for your help, in fact i dont have PH pen , i washed the leaves yesterday, and sure i will put distilled water today. i am using tourbe soil mixed with
my closet door is always open and i have 2 fans more then average size directly to the closet and the temp inside the closet is 30 - 31 degree C. but i think if it is a problem of temp, they shouldnt look good now, i dunno..

if my closet door open all the time i still need a fan to blow to outside??? and the fans are coming inside the closet so i think i have a good air circulation inside the closet coz i can see that.
i dont have a fan drawing hot air from my growing room! should i use a 2 big computer fans ? this what u mean? or there is something else that i can use but it should be low cost and availble in my country plz ?!

now the 400w MH is 50 cm far from the top of the biggest plant. i think it is good. ur right :)

and your right it is also a over watering problem, i am watering my plant everyday this is wrong. but a question: even is the soil is dry, i dont water my plants? dont forget they are under 400w MH and 3x26w CFL and 2x46w CFL and 1x 46w CFL warmlight, plus the temps is high. do u recommend to spray water in the plants from time to time since the temp is high and the light is big.

i am thinking to water my plants 2 or 3 times a weed since there is high temp and MH.

thank you guys.

after my plants are doing good. what do u suggest me to use as fertilizer. i have this combination for the moment 20-20-20. and they wronte on it to use it: 2 to 4 lbs per 100 gallons for spray solution, but i will use it to water the plant not to spray. i will put 2 lbs for 100 gallons. what do u think? every 15 days i water with fertilizer ????

thx guys , ur perfect and professional