Plants sex

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
Im pretty sure i got 3 females and one smaller male, my question was will it be alrite to keep the male with the females if i only want one crop? or do the males not give any bud? and should i just kill it

Cashfl0w LLC

Active Member
alright but if i keep it will it and the females all give me the same amount of bud? i just gota pick the seeds out? after i get this crop im gona kill them all anywyas


Well-Known Member
Males don't produce bud. They produce pollin sacks that will pollinate your females. When your females are pollinated they put all there energy into seed development instead of growing more bud and tric's. You can still smoke the pollinated females, but it will be loaded with seeds and weaker then bud that wasn't pollinated.


Well-Known Member
u wont have the thc content that a female whos never been pollinated will have. males are no good...u will be wasting time, energy and other stuff on a useless male plant too...i dunno...i've never smoked seeded bud...but i would've got rid of the male as soon as the pollen sacs showed...


Well-Known Member
my friend just messed up his outdoor and pollinated his two females. He got 42 g's of bud and about 1500 seeds, so if u like that ratio go ahead and leave ur male in there.


Well-Known Member
my friend just messed up his outdoor and pollinated his two females. He got 42 g's of bud and about 1500 seeds, so if u like that ratio go ahead and leave ur male in there.
wow...1500 seeds from like...1 1/2 oz? thats crazy...i had no idea there would be THAT many! lol was there any bud at all? or just all seeds?


Well-Known Member
it seemed like the only thing we were smoking was the outer casing of seeds. He wasnt too pissed though because the male was a purp strain and hes got seeds for a long time. best thing to do was sift out the stems and seeds and make some butter.