Plants Stopped Growing


Active Member
So I'm not exactly sure what's happening here. I'm running 2 40w full spectrum fluoros, a 27w CFL and a 24w "grow light". Have a fan, humidifyer, and a 24hr light regiment.

So why in the world have they suddenly stopped growing? They aren't really taking off at week 4 like they should. Just started using a 10-10-10 nute at 1/2 strength today. Pics related.

Also, I've since taken off the strings holding them up and have put more soil around them. Will I see them taking off with the nutes or am I just doomed to fail?



Well-Known Member
What's your soil mix, how often do you water, what is the temp,. A fan will help strengthen the stems. See if they respond to the nutes, if not you shoul transplant. You do have drainage right? Your plants look like mine did at the end of the first week.


Well-Known Member
So I'm not exactly sure what's happening here. I'm running 2 40w full spectrum fluoros, a 27w CFL and a 24w "grow light". Have a fan, humidifyer, and a 24hr light regiment.

So why in the world have they suddenly stopped growing? They aren't really taking off at week 4 like they should. Just started using a 10-10-10 nute at 1/2 strength today. Pics related.

Also, I've since taken off the strings holding them up and have put more soil around them. Will I see them taking off with the nutes or am I just doomed to fail?
Your plants stopped growing to get your attention. They are telling you their growing conditions are less than optimal. They have gone practically dormant in order to survive until conditions improve.

Each plant should be grown in a separate space, preferably in a container of some sort. At their age those seedlings should be in at least 1 gallon buckets. Transplant the seedlings up to their cotelydons (embrionic leaf).

Don't concern yourself with fertilizers right now. Revitalize the plants before you do any feeding.

Your lighting is insufficient, especially considering the number of plants you are growing. They are leggy and need support because of low-light conditions.

Fix those problems and your plants should perk up noticeably after transplant shock wears off (which takes about a week). Within a month they will have recovered completely.

Good luck.


Active Member
I'm not keeping all the plants (was hoping they would all get big enough for me to sex :-/) but I'll try transplanting and just growing a couple under said lighting.


Well-Known Member
honestly , a probably really could be as simple as air ventialation, make sure your growing room does not exceed 85 degrees aim for about 75. take ur plants outside into fresh sunlight every once in awhile because theres nothing a plant loves more than fresh air and sun light it will perk things up really quick good luck.