Plant's tips are turning yellow in DWC! WHAT COULD IT BE?? Please Help. :-(

My plant is 11 days old. I germinated and started a Green House Ladyburn 1974 seed in a peat pellet. Transplanted it to a bubbler system after a week. It looked healthy going in and now the tip of the leaves are turning yellow, almost brown. The actual leaves are a bit hard as well. It's in plain water(no nutes yet) with 2 100watt cfls a couple inches above. Today I've dropped the temp from 85 to 75 and the put the water level a 1/2 inch above the bottom of the pot. What could it be?? Please help. Don't want her to die.


Active Member
water too high
if you are using the bubbler system, the bubbles should be popping right below your root system. The popping bubbles basically mist the roots. When your root system is stronger you will see they will grow down into the water and then it is fine as long as you have enough oxygen in the water. More bubbles the better.