Plants too big, nft grow


Hi all, its the 1st time using nft and i think i left it a bit too long before switching to 12/12. They are 2.5 weeks in and are already about 4ft, ive only got a 400w hps so a bit worried, should i chop the tops off? FIM the 4 plants or maybe get a net? 600w light?

Any help very appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Get some wire ties, and start some bondage work. Low stress training can be done at 2.5 weeks in safely. Just start slow so you don't crack any stems.


Well-Known Member
I have that problem lots lol. Its really not a bad problem being the plants are too big lol. As others have said start tieing them down. Also dont panic if stems break just support them horizontaly with ties and string, trust me they'll be ok. I try not to veg more than 20 days as plants (strain dependant) will somtimes stretch to 5 feet. White Russian is a stretchy one!!!