I come qcross like the uneducated asshole? But the guy spouting off out the mouth about one of the dumbest things I've heard and probably heard it in passing. And decided to pass on said 'helpful' info isnt? This is the problem with the community, any and everyone says whatever they want truthful or not, 90% of them never having put it into practice or seen it or anything. And people wonder why they can't find definitive information. Because people say the dumbest shit out of pocket, and help no one except with disinformation. Also, your comment was as helpful as mine. Keep up the good work, you're doing a real service to everyone.
If you don't know what you're talking about wether from personal experience, or having seen it put in practice in another thread. Stop cluttering the thread just to say something, for the sake of saying something, that is completely wrong. Because someone researching (a foreign concept I've seen), comes to this thread, no thinks he may have hermied his plants and may over mother his plants trying to be careful and hurt his plants. Please show me something backing up hermy-ing plants, in vedge from it getting cold, or a piece of literature backing it up. Something.
This is about information, not how cool of a person he is, or isn't. If you don't have something concrete or of the like to contribute, dont, ,yourehurting more than helping. I didn't, because it'd already been answered. But I forsure wasnt gonna let the comment go unchecked. As to not misinform someone new doing their homework.