Plants under 600 watt Hps in center of room? losing tons of light on sides?


New Member
Hey i got two 600 watt Hps'ers in a room.

The plants and light are in center of room..

MY question is am I maybe losing tons of light by not having at least close to my white walls.... or no mylar/ reflectors on sides?

Should I maybe repositon things or just not worry about it?



Well-Known Member
Reposition - corners are good if you can keep the air moving. Even screens from Pier 1 covered with white butchers paper will reflect some of your light. Read up on lumens and distances from the light source.


Well-Known Member
Aim for the corner, or at least 1 wall of the room, for your "long" side. I agree with Hot Rod 100%. Use a screen, or a big piece of cardboard, or whatever to make another moveable wall for the opposite "long side." That way, you can move it out of the way to get in there and work with your plants. For reflection, get a couple (mylar) space blankets from the camping section of Wal-Mart for $2.50 each.

See if you can improve your yield, for $12.


Well-Known Member
image.jpg Foam insulation board from your local hardware store.

To answer your question, yes. You are losing energy out the sides.

Another suggestion if you have two reflectors. Put them on a angel with your high point in the middle. Think of an upside v


Well-Known Member
I'd go with panda film, as it's easier to work with.

Make four sheets, one for each of the four sides, then hang them. The light will be reflected back in and you'll still have access all the way around.


Well-Known Member
1/2" insulation board from homer store painted flat white makes easily moveable walls.
Right. I hang 4 x 4 x 1/4 particle board painted flat white with light duty chains. I have my hot water heater and furnace in back of the white board. It bounces the light back at the plants instead of losing it to the "dark side". I also use mylar at the floor level on 2 X 4 X 1/4 at a 60 degree angle to bounce the light back up.