Plants with similar growth patterns/requirements?

Hi! I'm daveytrees, and surprisingly enough I've never touched MJ before, however, what with prop 19 on a roll, and a little disposable income coming my way, I thought growing could be a fun and rewarding pass time, at least, that's what you guys have led me to believe :D

Anyway, I was wondering if anyone could point me to a plant species or two that require similar conditions, and react similarly to poor maintenance. I happen to have a biology professor who is a wizard when it comes to plants, and rather than confront him with a possibly questionable leaf, I thought maybe I could instead get a control plant that I could take directly to him if any problems arise.

I dunno, I'm pretty new to the scene, trying to do my research before I start spending.

As far as my future grow spot, I've got a large walk-in closet in my apartment which is only at about 1/10 capacity with my meager wardrobe. From the measurements I've taken, it seems like a 4' wide by 2' deep by 5' tall cabinet would fit nicely.

I'm working on the design for how I want to build the box right now.

I'm also thinking about doing it with CFL's, as I don't want to put unnecessary strain on my already fairly well taxed circuit breaker. I've been reading up and I know the types of light I want, 2700k for flowering, and 6500k for vegging, but if anyone has any pointers on the number/wattage of bulbs I should use based on the space.

Which brings me to another question, in a 4' x 2' plot, I was thinking about having 4 plants, does that sound like enough room? I think my first batch is going to be G13's Auto Poison Dwarf, so I think I should have enough room height wise in a 5' cabinet, but I'm wondering about how much they'll bush out.

Temp shouldn't be a problem, as it's a small place and I keep my AC on 24/7 on the west coast where the weather is great! My apartment hovers around 70 degrees F.

How effective is activated charcoal at killing the smell outside the box? I'm looking at making a similar filter to this one, and am debating about routing the output through the attic which has a drop right above where I want to put my box. I still have a little recon to do before I decide if that's even a possibility, but we'll see. Ideally I would like the grow to be 100% stealth unless someone actually opens the box.

Finally, for now anyway, I have access to some traditional fluorescent light ballasts and was wondering if I set those up to shine upwards from the underside of the plants, would that be beneficial? Should I even bother? If it's a good idea, do I need to worry about the type of light, or is it cool to just be picky about the top lights?

Thanks folks,

tl;dr Plants that behave like weed, but aren't illegal, do they exist?