Please this blue city diesel ready/close to harvest?


Well-Known Member
I have an outdoor blue city diesel that flowered quite early. The past week has seen a couple of heavy rain events, and yesterday I discovered and had to remove two nice colas due to bud rot. I'm anxious about losing any more of this plant, so I was wondering if it is close to being ready to harvest. It seems pretty 'sticky' and absolutely reeks.

I was thinking it needs more time...but hopefully not too much longer. With cooler nights, rain is really becoming the enemy. Thankfully my gorilla glue plants seem more problems with any of them yet.
If this is Jordan Of The Islands BlueCityDiesel, do not expect it to be done before the second week of October.

I ran this strain last year and it finished up around Oct 15th. Yours maybe be a couple days earlier or around that time.
It looks like the BCD with its lighter pistols, mine were more pink at this stage.. The BlueCityDiesel was the best strain I ran out of the 4 JOTI strains last year, it was actually pretty tasty.