Please can someone advise

Gem B

I appreciate anyone who can advise.

I am a noob, so i apologise if its a silly question.

Plant need i thinkk 2 weeks mabe to go, i never fed it, i have miricle grow soil ad put mirical grow little balls when first potted. nothing else ever given to it.

i got maxicrop extract of seaweed plus organic.

my question is if its end stages maybe little time to go 1 week or 2 weeks can i feed now, will it harm the plant? also show one never feed during flowering stage? if i feed it now near end will it help grow and give bigger buds?

Also please can u advise on this, is it correct if you leave in dark for 2 days before harvest, helps buds grow bigger?

thanks guys for anyone who can help.


Well-Known Member
Feeding it now definitely won't hurt the plant, but the seaweed is meant for the vegetative stage, not bloom. With two weeks left you might be able to help the flowering a little with a bloom fertilizer, but you won't see huge changes.

I believe keeping your plants in the dark before harvest is more to boost potency rather than volume and there is debate over whether it works or not. I grow outside though, so have no direct experience.

Good luck, and enjoy your product.