Please explain plant burn and deficiency differences??


Could someone please explain the differences in nutrient burn and nutrient deficiency? They both seem to have very similar symptoms. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to tell which one it is.


Well-Known Member
Could someone please explain the differences in nutrient burn and nutrient deficiency? They both seem to have very similar symptoms. I'm having a hard time figuring out how to tell which one it is.
IMO, burns will typically start at the tips of the laves, and deficecies typically start in the middle of the leave, this isnt a sure way to tell the difference, but somthing iv noticed


5 weeks old. Been doing it for about 3 weeks. Stopped giving nutes at first sign. Flushed 7 days ago. Continually cutting off dying leaves, they start with yellow spots which spread than the whole leaf looks as if its drying out then curls up and dies.


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5 weeks old. Been doing it for about 3 weeks. Stopped giving nutes at first sign. Flushed 7 days ago. Continually cutting off dying leaves, they start with yellow spots which spread than the whole leaf looks as if its drying out then curls up and dies.
dont cut off leaves untill you figure out/fix the problem....when you cut a leaf off, the problem will just move on to another leaf, ultimatly just causing more damage than good plukin leaves, but, those pics look like a deficency big is the plant, what size light ue using?


It's about a foot tall w/ 400 hps. The reason I think it might be a burn is cause mg soil is supposed to have nutes in it at least for the first few weeks or so, however I'm not sure if maybe the mg soil is just not consistent and may be lacking.


oneness is a 5-9-4 but i havent used it since i first noticed the problem. the ploblem started while i was using it.