Please give me advice on my box design...PICS.


Active Member
Well I will be posting a pic of a drawing I made of my idea. The drawing is good enough to make out everything. I think the design is good but I need some pointers on light strength, height, ventilation, and anything else you would be willing to comment on.

Please comment!!


Active Member

I have a some questions but am open to any advice at all.

My goal is to grow 3 foot plants. Do you think I can get an oz off a 3ft plant at harvest. Do I NEED to go taller to get yeild. (I don't want to try any LST yet as I am a newbie)

How strong of lights would you suggest with a box about this size. I want ideally 2 mothers and 8 clones in veg and another 8 in flower. Do you think this is attainable with my design?

The system will be hydroponics, drip in veg and ebb n flow in flower.

I have a few restraints with the build. I need to be a little bit quiet. Some noise is ok but not alot. The room the box will be in is a basement in an older house. Should I clean out the room first to prevent from mold or what ever could be in the air down there?

Two more. What level of humidity is too low for efficient growth, and what temperature should the outer room be for the ventilation to be effective at balancing temperature with the lights?? From what I a box the lights keep temp up and the fans keep temp down.........but if the fans are blowing 70 degree air will they even make a difference??

I know this is alot but anyone with an answer or any input at all will help.

Please give me your take...



Well-Known Member
just my thoughts..

yes clean the surrounding area at least and make sure there is no mildew around.

get a larger hps, unless you already have it then nevermind.
(HTG sells just about same price for 400 as 250)

its always nice to have a drawing to follow.

are you worried about smell?


Well-Known Member
how big of a footprint do you intend to shine down upon?

and your looking to veg 8 clones and 2 mothers max at any time? right?


Active Member
right at max 8 veg clones and 8 flower clones and i want to flower 4 at a time,

So i will have my two mothers, take 4 clones....wait a month and take 4 more...waith a month and take 4 more...and move the first 4 into flower...i think you get where i'm going with this.

and the base area of each chamber would be about 3ftx2.5ft


Well-Known Member
i'm not fresh on my foot prints but that may be too big for a 250 watt hps to reach effectively. I'm thinking thats max for a 400 watt. i dunno 4 sure though.

as for the mh. if you can get a 400 watt mh, i would. but if your cash is restricting then get the biggest and add supplemental lighting later. find that balance where cash and product meet.

if you haven't purchased any lights yet, i would steer towards a 400 hps and less for the veg. you could start off with just the veg and work your way with the flower side. it should take a while to get there if you don't have any plants ready to flower now.


Well-Known Member
haha yea ic. this idea sounds so easy depending how much space you have you could just use flouresnts for vegging. i would suggest the 8 bulb fixture. it has 2 on and off switches to control it from 4 lights to 8 lights. so how every much you need. but if you want 3 foot plants you would probly need a 250 watt on a light track. other wize i sugeest getting a 400 watt hallide 4 veg and a 600 or 1000 watt hps for flowerr room. running 2 lights isnt 2 expensive. hydros great but if i was you i would bud all 8 plants on a 1000 watt. have a couple home made co2 containers. have 8 vegging 2 mothers and 8 clones all going at the some time


Well-Known Member
and i think you should hook a air duct to the intake fan going to a frsh air vent and then have an exhast vent so you wouldent even have to use the air in the base ment. it al depends on what your temp needs to be so i would just put my fans on timers when i know they need to come on