Please help / advise first grow (AK-47)...


New Member
Hello everyone, after reading all i can on my situation i thought it would be a good idea to get some pictures up and see what your opinions are.

My first post and grow so go easy i know your gonna be thinking what the hells this man doing!? haha

Im now in the 5th week of flowering for a week or so ive noticed discolouring of fan leaves and can diagnos what exactlys wrong. Ive always been feeding everyday up to now, mixing the feed in a 100 litre tank with water as instructed on the bottles. Ive since flushed them out with water that i left to stand for a day and diluted the feed with 50% water before giving it to them.

Whats concerning me the most is that my buds grew well up to a point but have since seemed to stop growing whats there has brown hairs on it but id really like them more dense i dont know if its a case of this is all im going to get or are the plants obviously trying to tell me something?

I really need put back on track here

Im growing in soil (bat special) and using ionic soil bloom feed mixed at 7ml per litre with dutch pro explode 1ml per litre

im growing in a tent with a cold air intake and exhaust fan with filter.

lights are 600 watt hps cool tubes and i have 4, 1 in each quarter of the tent.

ive always feed every day as each time soil is always dry and they take it no problem i give them all the same probs between 500ml and a litre per day.

im 5 weeks into 12/12 cycle which has never been disturbed.

My only other observation when watering is a few flys around the bottoms of some plants thought it would be best to mention that

Oh i maybe should also mention i have just let the plants grow naturally and have not trimmed or manipulated them in anyway other then to remove dead leaves.

Here are some pictures
