Please help asap

What does this look like need help asap? Leaves are very lite colored and dark spots on them.

Fox farm nutrients
3 weeks into flow
Ph alway check-6.3-6.6
Rotate between feed n water.


So this has now gotten out of control I added cal mag. 5ML per gallon for both feeding and watering and it’s continuing to get worse and looks like these plants may be damn near dead. Is nutrient lockout a possibility? I gave them a hefty flush of about 20gallons with 6.5 ph yesterday but I need some thoughts on potential next steps. Do you think these plants are a goner considering most of the leaves are covered like this. See attached pictures



Well-Known Member
I'm gonna go with full lock out of potassium.

Probably due to over nuting which is pretty much nuking your plants.

But I could easily be wrong.

If you began nutes to soon and over 25% im probably not wrong. Fox farms is strong nutes. Specifically grow big and tiger bloom.

Big bloom is actually organic. And pretty light.
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Well-Known Member
Agreed nute deficiency Ca maybe P and Mg. Most likely cause is high K. The timing is right to see that. The FF fert schedule is really too high. I’d go with 1/4 -1-2 their recommended rate every other watering. Or even less. More fertilizer doesn’t make the plant grow faster. The flush was a good idea. They will be ok just back off on the fertilizers. If it makes you feel better clip off the damages leaves.
Agreed nute deficiency Ca maybe P and Mg. Most likely cause is high K. The timing is right to see that. The FF fert schedule is really too high. I’d go with 1/4 -1-2 their recommended rate every other watering. Or even less. More fertilizer doesn’t make the plant grow faster. The flush was a good idea. They will be ok just back off on the fertilizers. If it makes you feel better clip off the damages leaves.
Appreciate the note. What’s weird is I started off at like 1/4 nutes because of my last (first grow) learning from jute burn. To me it didn’t look orange like the nute burn from last time I gradually went up on nutes however, I was in full force come flowering.
My question would be how do I supplement P if I’m just using the fox farms line? I have a supplement. For cal mag which I’ve been using.
For next steps since I just flushed hardcore would you say:

1/4 dose of Bigbloom, tiger and bembe? What about the cha ching?
It seems there is so few of foliage to to even grow back, just looking for some healthy next steps.
Thanks for your help btw. If I did have nute lock out/over nute the flush would fix that right?


Well-Known Member
I'm on the Calcium bandwagon, also manganese and potassium. Probable lockout. Flush and restart nutes at 25%. You can save them, but dont expect the bumper crop you had hoped for and definitely not on schedule. Good luck!