Please help! Brown fuzz near base seems to be killing branches of plant!


Hey guys, I'm having some problems with my first grow. But before I go into the problems, I'll try and give you some info about my grow:
It is an outdoor grow.
Bag seed strain.
In a five gallon bucket.
Miracle Grow potting soil.
10-10-5 tomato food nutrients.
Flowering for about two weeks now.
I check, and usually water every day, unless the soil is still very wet.

Here is my concern; I noticed the a couple days ago that some of the branches growing near the bottom have started to have the leaves curl up sideways and turn inward. These branches are just beginning to flower, and the problem is getting worse. I also noticed that the branches having problems are close to a brown fuzz/growth that appears to be spreading up the main stem. However, I should also mention that some branches near the disease appear to be unaffected. I am fearful that it will spread all the way up my plant and kill it.:cry:
I read the illness stickies and tried searching, but couldn't find any problems that sounded like mine. If anyone could tell me what is wrong, how to fix it, or point me to a thread about this problem I would appreciate it very much.
&Sorry I couldn't post any pictures tonight, it was too dark, and I don't have access to a camera tonight. But tomorrow afternoon I should have pictures up.

Thanks in advance!


I was fearful that it was something like that. I think you may be right. I cut off one of the branches that had pretty much died, and the stem looked rotted. Is there really nothing I can do?