
Active Member
I have an indoor setup, grown in soil.. I'm not sure exactly how old they are, I "inherited" the setup from someone else who could no longer keep it. They were clones, ready to be put into the larger pots when I got them. I put them into the larger pots and since then they seem to have stopped growing, the leaves are drooping, and now there are brown spots. This is my first grow and I need help ASAP!




Well-Known Member
Assuming you havent added any nutes, and are using the exact setup that your buddy had them in, I'd say your pH is off... since thats the only variable that changed. Pictures speak a thousand words though. Any diagnosis given without pictures would simply be a guess.


Active Member
Assuming you havent added any nutes, and are using the exact setup that your buddy had them in, I'd say your pH is off... since thats the only variable that changed. Pictures speak a thousand words though. Any diagnosis given without pictures would simply be a guess.

That's what I thought too... I tested the pH and it's too high. I have pH down, but do I just lower the pH of the water next time I give them water? If so, how low do I want the pH of the water to be?




Well-Known Member
Thats some crappy lookin soil, lol. You want the water ph to be around 6.2-6.8.

And you might be seeing some nitrogen deficiency, but until you correct the pH you cannot add any nutes.


Active Member
lol... it's cheap top soil mixed with manure & humus and peat moss.. that's what my buddy told me to do. Bad idea? if so, is it too late to transplant into some good soil?


Active Member
Do a search and you should find some good soil mixes. How old is your plant ? As long as your not into flowering yet or close I don't see a problem with the transplant. Your soil looks like it doesn't drain well. Hope that helps.