Please help day 38 flowering


Active Member
Hello all! I need some help, here is my set up.

Fox Farm Ocean soil
Used Fox Farm Grow Big
Using Fox Farm Big Bloom for flowering
2' T5 Spectrolux Fluro x2
4' Agrobrite Fluro Tube
2 40 watt Fluro 2700 K
6 23 watt fluro 2700 K
Water three times a week.
Strain- Charas

I am on the first day of week 5 and things were going well. I have noticed that the stalk of my palnt has slowly started turning purple. The purple is creeping up my plant and now the lower leaves are a lighter green and some are dying. I know that the fan leaves will normally turn a lighter green due to less nitrogen in the flowering process but I am not sure if it is normal this early. My seeds said they have a 9 wk flowering phase. I have read many posts as well as FAQ's and have gotten this far without having to post any questions. I need some help now though, any advice would be appreciated!



Well-Known Member
looks good to me, i would take it as a sign of it maturing and getting ready. i wouldnt worry. i would stop using any ferts, and wait for the trichomes to get milky. then cut those suckers when the flowers turn brown ish. cut em, cure em, dry em


Active Member
there are numbers of things that that cause redish stem. too cold temps at light off period i keep around 67 at "night". could be magnesium lock out from watering with too high or too low ph water, I keep it 6.5 . I also use foxfarm ferts. there's a feeding schedule for it on line. they phase out using grow big couple weeks into flower. then use the big bloom and tiger bloom. little goes a long way. i would let your soil dry out . flush with 1 1/2 tsp. of epsom salt to gallon water. wait till dry then feed half strength. second time growing. I had this problem on first grow.