please help. drip question.


Active Member
ok so im growing 5 plants using drip system. my plants are gonna be grown in rockwool, then once they get bigger, ill be putting them in net pots and into a bigger container filled with hydroton.

now my questions for anyone is:

how should i drip feed?
im thinkin about using 1 drip feed for each plant, and if they need more later, ill then add another feed. good idea? or should i use a drip ring to feed my plants, that way the water is more evenly distributed?

i basically have the setup i would like to go through with, except i just dont know exactly what to do with my 1/4" drip tube, or how to exactly hook it up to my 1/2" poly tube. do i need 1-2gph drippers to drip feed? if so how do i hook it up?:wall:

help would be extremely appreciated. thanx.


if drip is your only water source i would recommend a drip ring. more water is better as far as i know. I made a working drip system for about 8 bucks, but that is my secondary water source so maybe not the best for you. just hooked up a 1/2 in hose to my water pump which has a hose hookup and then poked four holes for four plants with small black tube going into that hose and to the respective plants. remember to plug the other end of 1/2 in hose.