Please Help! Dying Clones!

Fuck Snails

Active Member
100w hps

So yesterday i bought two clones from my collective and they were fine!

I put them in the room, they were a little close to the fan though...seemed fine however.

The clones were originally in a "cloner"
They had a little dome over them...they are OG kush and Jack Herr.
I went to check them today and they were all wilted in less than 24 hours!!!
This didnt happen with the blue dream clone i bought from them! What do i do to save the plants?!! They are all wilted?!!
I watered the hell out of the dried up leaves and put a dome over them and moved them away from the fan but now they are getting virtually no light!

What to do?! :shock:


Well-Known Member
sorry to hear that bro, my first thought is do you know the temperature under that light, if not maybe the temps are to high for the plant. Ive also seen many leaves droop due to plants being rootbound. It could have been possibly the change in the enviroment when you gave the clones a new home, could have went into shock, they can come out of it though. Did you recently give them any fertlizers? that could have done it.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
Thanks for the quick response gang....

No ferts or nutes...just straight water!!!
Ill keep misting them and i am able to keep my room at 79 degrees max with just one fan....and they were pretty far from the light!!!

So it could be the shock of changing homes?? Hopefully they come out of it cuz they looked all dried up and droopy when i got to them :(


Well-Known Member
Are your clones rooted yet?Did you try to go from one cloning method to another?what wattage of light were they under before you put them under a 100 watter?
If they have not rooted yet or not a strong enough root system you will burn them up under a 100 watter.Not saying it cant be done but its kinda overkill and if your collective had them under floros then so should you.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
Good shit I didnt know a 100w would burn em!

Yeah they were very-well rooted and they were under a fluoro when i bought them but who knows what they really had them under...i can ask them later today.
I've since just moved them so they are only getting a fraction of the power of the 100w and they are no longer right next to that fan
Im gonna mist all day and see how it turns out..

If the plant's leaves are all droopy and appear dead is there any chance of saving them? Or am i out twenty bucks!?


Well-Known Member
Good shit I didnt know a 100w would burn em! am i out twenty bucks!?
probably, if that light was too close to the dome it would over heat inside and dry 'em out fast, if they look like shit in a day they may not recuperate. Still bright green growth means they've got a chance.

Fuck Snails

Active Member
yeah the new growth on one looks like it's doesn't look to shabby
but the other one is just drooping straight down it doesnt look like it's gonna pull thru...
I had them in that dome for like ten minutes before i took them out....

It definitely wasnt heat because they were right next to the fan.

The leaves are all still green though....just not supporting themselves...whereas yesterday they were damn-near cupping upwards.. :(

Fuck Snails

Active Member
what if i keep the wilted clones far enough from the light and fan so that they only get about half the light they would if they were right under it?

I'll post pics right now to show you guys how they look and then from there maybe someone can give me the appropriate actions to take.

Thanks gang


Active Member
sorry but the ones under the so called "dome" are getting no oxygen and thats why they are dieing..they have no air movement or air intake and exhast...the stomatas on the plant need to breath.. and with the collected heat on the outside of the dome along with no air movement and riseing humidity in the dome that plant has no chance at surviveing ...and by the looks of your grow environment.... ya id say there in shock..going from there clean perfectly made environmentto what you have for them not what they want to live in...seeing as the surroundings around the plant is clutter and not clean reflective walls it wont grow and what there in is perfect for bugs and all sorts of problems...for one id say wait to even start growing cause your just going to be wasteing ur money and them precious have to spend a decent amount of money to get the enviornment pot plants need not only that but your going to have to be able to adjust it also to different types of strains....and also the one in the dome...looks like it was cut from the main stalk and just stuck in the brother did that once and it looked just like that...dont worry I learned him just as you :) the plants you have look like they were growing outside???are you sure you got them from a dispensery?? you need to be truthfull about what you have if your ever gunna get the true correct answer to your issues.....


Active Member
and if there getting no light then there dead simple as that...sorry to lay it on ya like this but it just dont look good for what ever ladys those are


Active Member
and if those plants are jack horrar and shit you aint gunna get barely nuthin off them with that 100watt espicially all the so called clones you have..


Active Member
and if you did just find those plants outside and just cut them carryed them home and stuck em in the dirt....that wont work they need oxygen while your transporting them which it looks like they didnt get which couldhave started the whole issue in the first place...idk...ur story dont make sens to me any way even if you were to cut off parts of wild pot plants and got them home fine and fast enough you would need root growth powder or gel to get them going....idk wish I knew what really is going on and had some better pics to look at there all blurry

Fuck Snails

Active Member
and if you did just find those plants outside and just cut them carryed them home and stuck em in the dirt....that wont work they need oxygen while your transporting them which it looks like they didnt get which couldhave started the whole issue in the first place...idk...ur story dont make sens to me any way even if you were to cut off parts of wild pot plants and got them home fine and fast enough you would need root growth powder or gel to get them going....idk wish I knew what really is going on and had some better pics to look at there all blurry

wtf are you smoking?!

Don't tell me that my shit is inadequate just because some guy at the hydro store over-sold you!
Plants have grown for millions and millions of years without a high price tag......soo...mehh.

And wtf is this fabricated story of yours?!? About me going and chopping some clones and sticking them in the dirt?? I specifically explained what happened and it makes perfect sense... Wtf are you shit is fine dude...

Fuck Snails

Active Member I said...that "dome" isn't air tight and they are only in there for a little bit at a time.....

Dude don't accuse me of coming on here and lying....I've got better shit to do than ask for help on a problem I'm not facing...once again wtf are you high on?!!?

And judging from that pic in your avvy if I want a stretched plant I'll ask for some more advice from you pal..


Active Member
lol dont get all mad cause I gave it to ya hard you didnt research enough to even start growing and by your little op it just goes to show how much you know and if you dont want to take my advice fine saying it how I see it i have the experience which you just leting ya knw if you dont know the basics of growing you will never grow....


Active Member
my plants aint stretched its actually almost max hieght....and there again goes to show how much you know about strains...and ive got better things to do then give some jackass good advice...have fun with your droopy plants...PEACE

Fuck Snails

Active Member
You already said peace.....scamper off now...don't hate on my "grow op"....I work with what I can pal....and for your information all you need is 100w to grow from clone to cola no don't give me shit just cuz you got oversold....I don't want your *advice?*accusations...