Please help identify problem

The browning of the leaf tips started at the bottom, hasn’t seemed to spread much towards the interior of the leaves but now one of he higher sets of leaves is doing the same thing. Light is 2ft away from plant soil is basic giixer “1000 watt”. Watered w a shot glass of water every 3 days. Soil is a basic potting soil that came premixed w perlite. Any information helps.


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What size pot? Water slowly and evenly until run off shows. You may need to water it a little to get the topsoil softened before giving it the rest of the water. You don't want it to run through the dry cracks and right out the bottom of the pot.

If you are worried about over watering, test how light the pot is now and how heavy it is when watered. Wait until it gets dry and light and water it again.
What size pot? Water slowly and evenly until run off shows. You may need to water it a little to get the topsoil softened before giving it the rest of the water.

If you are worried about over watering, test how light the pot is now and how heavy it is when watered. Wait until it gets dry and light and water it again.
It’s about a half gal pot rn. It dropped for a whole day w just the shot glass so I’m Anxious to give it any more. Could the droop have to do w the way I watered it as opposed to the amount?
Not sure why it drooped it should have loved it. It might not have much root from being too dry and if you poured the shot at the main stem it could have been too much water on the weak root. I would give it an even watering but you might want to wait for advice from others. If that soil is dry it could easy soak up a pint.

What light you using?
Not sure why it drooped it should have loved it. It might not have much root from being too dry and if you poured the shot at the main stem it could have been too much water on the weak root. I would give it an even watering but you might want to wait for advice from others. If that soil is dry it could easy soak up a pint.

What light you using?
Giixer 1000 watt 2 ft up, if I go any lower the leaves curl. Inward on themselves
Giixer 1000 watt 2 ft up, if I go any lower the leaves curl. Inward on themselves
Oh yeah you said that in the first post.

Looking at the pics I would swear its under watering. The soil looks very dry and it looks like the plant started to eat itself for water but recovered when you watered it. Is it hard? I hear you want it damp enough to stick to your fingers.

If you are only watering in one spot the rest will be barren of water and the root will not expand, stuck small and in a pocket. The shot is probably filling the pocket and drowning a weak root. It probably stands back up after it drains out. The plant is small enough to be supported by a small root, but you are probably losing a lot of growth.

My mind is fried from a long day, I wish you the best of luck.
Oh yeah you said that in the first post.

Looking at the pics I would swear its under watering. The soil looks very dry and it looks like the plant started to eat itself for water but recovered when you watered it. Is it hard? I hear you want it damp enough to stick to your fingers.

If you are only watering in one spot the rest will be barren of water and the root will not expand, stuck small and in a pocket. The shot is probably filling the pocket and drowning a weak root. It probably stands back up after it drains out. The plant is small enough to be supported by a small root, but you are probably losing a lot of growth.

My mind is fried from a long day, I wish you the best of luck.
Update leaves feel dry. Will be giving it half a shot and monitoring for an hour and then possibly giving it the rest of the shot if it doesn’t droop. This little plant will not defeat me bc I’m trying to work w it not against.
It’s about a half gal pot rn. It dropped for a whole day w just the shot glass so I’m Anxious to give it any more. Could the droop have to do w the way I watered it as opposed to the amount?
I did an experiment with my last plant to find out what UNDERwatering or getting the plant extremely dry/thirsty would do and it looked like what an overwatered plant looked like. Which was all the branches and leaves were extremely droopy. That’s when I fully understood how people could fuck up watering because over and under watering show some of the same symptoms.
The browning of the leaf tips started at the bottom, hasn’t seemed to spread much towards the interior of the leaves but now one of he higher sets of leaves is doing the same thing. Light is 2ft away from plant soil is basic giixer “1000 watt”. Watered w a shot glass of water every 3 days. Soil is a basic potting soil that came premixed w perlite. Any information helps.
Try watering with a spray bottle Bubba. Like Reaper said, nice even watering. Most new growers do the exact opposite, and neurotically overwater. Your start's better, shows you already have patience. Keep growing!